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Everything here, including text, photographs, designs, and graphics, are Copyright © Stacey King, except where otherwise noted. They are shared for personal use and inspiration only. Please do not copy ANYTHING on this site without my permission. Thanks!

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Saturday, January 31, 2009

On retreat

Just thought I'd post a quick 'Hello' while I get a wireless signal. I'm currently sitting in a room with nine other ladies; Cricuts are humming, the smell of Un-du is making us a little loopy, the Eagles Reunion 1 tour plays on the television, and we are all industriously working to put these piles of photos into scrapbook pages.

I'll post a couple of photos on Monday of what I've been working on.

Thanks for visiting!


martha velasco prieto. said...

hola!!me gusta tu blog y los tutoriales que has puesto para hacer flores estan muy bien explicados!!saludos desde mexico!!

Lisa Atha said...

Hello. I hope you are back soon, I dearly miss your creations.
