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Everything here, including text, photographs, designs, and graphics, are Copyright © Stacey King, except where otherwise noted. They are shared for personal use and inspiration only. Please do not copy ANYTHING on this site without my permission. Thanks!

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm a featured project! And a couple of reminders...

Whoooo! I just noticed that my Vase of Flowers is the SUB gallery featured project this week at Splitcoast Stampers! Wow! That's too cool! Unfortunately you can't see it if you don't have access to the demo forums there, so to the right is a screen shot of the Featured Upload portion of the SU galleries page. I've been a member there more than three years and this is the first time I've had this honor. Whoo!

While I'm here, how about a couple of quick reminders?
  • Deadline to order the February Scrapbook Class-in-a-Kit is technically tomorrow, but I'll be packing for retreat and then GOING on retreat (same place as last time, I'm so excited!), so if your order is in my Inbox by the time I get home on Sunday, you'll be fine.
  • Deadline for the paper share is Sunday.
Okay, I'd better get this posted while I can. We're iced in and my Internet connection is flickering in and out.

I hope you are all staying warm! Thanks for visiting!

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